Our Ministry Services

Our nation of Canada is largely known around the world as a nation built on multiculturalism. With the variety of cultures there also exists a diversity of religious and spiritual beliefs. As a result, there are many perspectives and mindsets when it comes to healing, wholeness, and deliverance. Here at Freedom Victory Centre, we offer Christian Ministry services which impact and tranform individuals on every level: spirit, soul, and body. Our model for healing, wholeness, and deliverance is exclusively a Biblical one. This is largely due to the nature of the love of God, and His supernaturally transforming power manifested within believers when God’s Word is applied and practiced. We have discovered the truth of this firsthand, through our own collective years of Biblical application and personal transformation, and through the testimonials of individuals who have come to our Centre since 2004 looking for help from the God of the Bible. Our utmost desire, then, is to serve and help others receive the benefits of Biblical healing from our God, Who is both loving and good to all.

What Makes Us Different and Unique

  1. We are a faith and prayer-based ministry that searches out in order to find root causes of disease (physical, psychological, and spiritual.)
  2. Through the ministry of healing prayer with application of Biblical faith and hope, we confidently expect to see a manifestation of the supernatural presence and power of God in our clients to heal, set free, and restore them to wholeness and wellness.
  3. We offer a viable alternative to people who are unable to find permanent or adequate medical solutions, and to those who may wish to perhaps discontinue long term use of pharmaceutical drugs due to the many negative side effects. Our job is to educate them only.
  4. Usually, we offer a follow up plan to clients, and extra Biblical resources to help if they wish to receive it.
  1. We are not a church, but a para-church ministry that works to serve Pastors and churches, and anyone within our area needing spiritual help.
  2. For each client, we operate under careful and specific ministry guidelines. When engaging in prayer ministry, we fully depend and rely on the anointing power of God and the activation of gifts of the Holy Spirit in a process to bring wholeness to people. In this respect, we operate as a supernatural ministry.
  3. If needed, we are happy to provide spiritual resources, ministry of helps, and encouragement not only to our clients, but also to the families and caregivers involved, as necessary to the restoration of the person.
  4. We offer teaching, training, and mentoring resources to any Pastors, churches, and interested believers.