Faith Destroys Doubt

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Jesus did the will of God by healing the people. He was revealing and doing the will of God for all people. Lo, I come to do your will, O God. Hebrews 10:7.

I came down from heaven, not to do my will but the will of him that sent me. John 6:38.

If it were not the will of God that all should be healed, then Jesus could not be doing healings. What he did was showing his compassion for the sick person. He was also setting an example for us. If we become true disciples of his we will also heal the sick just like he did.

It cannot be that he healed the sick and now he has changed his mind about these healings and they would have become just for the occasional person. He still wants to heal everybody.

The enemy wants the contrary. The enemy wants people thinking: “How can there be a God if there is so much suffering in this world?” It is the enemy that wants us to blame God for what the devil does. Do not blame God. Put the blame where it belongs: on the enemy’s back.

Now never pray with the faith destroying phrase: “if it is God’s will…” Do not doubt. It is always God’s will to heal. So why does it not always happen? Usually it is because of some obstacle like unforgiveness or resentment or lack of faith on the part of the person administrating healing in the name of Jesus. We will cover that at a later date. For now let us remember that it is always God’s will to heal everybody and that means you too.

In Mark 1:40 a leper came to Jesus and ask Him to heal him if it was his will. He did not know that it was always God’s will to heal. Jesus answered him: “I will”. It is always his will.

Remember: “He is not willing that any should perish.” 2 Peter 3:9

James wrote: “Is any sick among you?” James 5:14. You are included in this “any”. …”and the Lord will cure them.”

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8.

If you need healing or prayers, send them to or call 905-723-4300.

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