Healing and wholeness is a very broad subject and one which for which many books and articles are written, discussed, and debated. The subject and resources available on the topic of health and wellness is almost unparalleled, and as we’re all aware, the business itself has grown way beyond a multi-billion dollar industry.

Why is there so much interest on the topic of health and wellness? Simply put, people are looking for answers, for real solutions, for things that when applied, are effective and work to manage or restore their health on some level.

Freedom Victory Centre offers a very different alternative to healing, freedom, and wholeness than a medical one.

We are not against the practice or use of medicine when necessary, but we approach sickness and disease from a spiritual perspective, and for good reason.

From our focused Biblical approach, we believe that Jesus Christ not only died for our sins, but He took our sicknesses, our infirmities, and carried our sorrows. Isaiah 53 describes in detail the prophetic purpose of His coming to the earth the first time.

The word “salvation,” when studied more in depth from the Hebrew and Greek texts, provides a greater and broader understanding of the magnitude of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, and what it means to be truly transformed from the inside out. Jesus died to provide healing and wholeness to us, spirit, soul, and body.

The promise is to anyone who trusts Him as their Saviour and Lord. It was Jesus Himself who reminded us of what His mission was on the earth, and why it was so important to Him. He stated it clearly in John 10:10 (AMP): The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].”

We believe that healing, wholeness, and freedom was included in the finished work of the Cross, and because of it, we provide the hope and the assurance that God is a God of restoration. He will work in His people to restore them as they are willing to submit themselves fully to His loving embrace.

Regardless of the type of healing, freedom, or restoration you may need, God has a great plan to restore you and to lead you into the place of abundant life, where you will not only be blessed, but you will be a blessing to others as you testify to others of the goodness of God manifesting within your life.

That’s what it’s all about…receive from God’s love, being transformed by it, and then giving it away to others. We are here to help you start your journey towards wholeness when you know you are truly ready to allow God to work in your life!