The subject of emotional healing is possibly one that is as wide as it is long. There are many so called “solutions” offered through the medical field as well as seemingly unlimited social media options. Everybody claims to be the experts, but how many are actually getting real results and lasting change?

Some of these solutions may or may not work, perhaps many of them just “manage” the problem. When it comes to issues of the soul, unless a person is willing and able to really get to the heart or the “root” of the problem, they’ll not likely experience lasting change and the freedom that’s possible for them. Many may argue with this statement, but there’s nothing like experience to validate belief or “theory.” Science would agree with this. 

 Living emotionally free is meant to be a continuous life-giving and life-changing experience from deep inside the soul; an authentic state of living which is undeniable in the heart of the overcomer.

Here at Freedom Victory Centre, the very basis of our healing model is that of getting to the “root” of a problem in order to truthfully get a solution.

Why is this so important? It’s important because God is a God of truth and His desire is for us to be inwardly honest with Him, with ourselves, with our families, and others about the issues that we struggle with. This can be tricky for many people if they deal with opposing mindsets, belief systems, emotions, and even their own power of choice.

The first key to emotional wholeness is in the willingness to admit there is a problem and come out of denial. Once a person can admit that, they have essentially started their process to freedom.

The second key is in the willingness to admit that they need God’s help to fix the problem that they themselves cannot fix no matter how many self-help methods they try.


The third key has everything to do with simply accepting the help and freedom that God provides for those who are ready to open up to Him and allow a supernatural exchange to take place within them. 

God is a God of restoration and He desires to manifest His healing love into the lives of hurting and broken people, no matter who they are or where they’ve been.

The Threefold Nature of Man

The Bible is clear in the teaching of how God designed man from the beginning. Man was created in the image of God, and made in His likeness, Genesis 1:26 tells us. Just as God is a Spirit Being, we too were created as a spirit being, we have a soul, which consists of our mind, will, emotions, choice, reason, imagination, and conscience, and we live in a physical body.

When Jesus died on the Cross for the whole world, He provide healing for the whole man: spirit, soul, and body.

Emotional Wounds

We all have been shaped by or have adopted belief systems which regularly affect how we think, how we feel, and how we behave. If we were to dig a little deeper within our own selves, most, if not all of us would most likely agree that we have been emotionally wounded in one way or another throughout our lives via hurtful words or actions done to us.

We share negative experiences and circumstances which took place in our childhood or adolescent years, yet we manage to deny or bury them within our soul until they begin to resurface in our adult years.

It’s also unfortunate how many lies we actually believe and accept about ourselves that has impacted our lives with injury. All we have to do is perhaps think of the negative words we may have heard as a child or teenager.

For instance, “You’ll never amount to anything,” “You can’t do anything right,” “You’ll never succeed,”

“You’re stupid,” etc., can very quickly stir levels of emotional reaction within us for a long time if the soul hasn’t been healed.

All too often we can find ourselves emotionally stuck because of such wounds. It becomes a challenge to move forward when the past is still haunting us. When we find ourselves struggling with these types of issues, the best thing we can do is recognize within ourselves the need for healing.

Other kinds of emotional wounds can be more or less severe, which include and often correlate to abuse, betrayal, physical, mental, or emotional injury, trauma and loss, abandonment, rejection, lack of love and affection, manipulation and control, and involvement in activities which violate the plans and purposes of God for us.

Emotional damage, left unchecked, can manifest in a variety of ways and often causes many problems for people trying to cope in life or trying to build relationships with others. We cannot change the effects without identifying and properly processing the cause. The good news is that God knows all about the situation and He knows how to restore our souls as we allow Him to work within us.

 King David knew of God’s restoring power in His own life when He testified of it in Psalm 23:3, “He restores my soul; He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name sake.”

God also wants to heal and restore YOU emotionally. You don’t have to hold onto the past any longer. Nor does the past have to dictate your future. No matter what you may have been through, there is nothing that can keep you from being free if you desire it and if you allow Jesus to bring the healing you needHe is the true HEALER!

There may be a process involved, but the freedom and wholeness you will experience as a result of receiving the love, mercy, and grace of God will be worth every step. We are here to help you and administer God’s love and acceptance to you!