At Freedom Victory Centre, we believe in the ministry of Biblical deliverance because it is part of the Great Commission that Jesus gave to His Church in Mark 16:15-18 to preach the Gospel or “Good News” of the kingdom to all the world. God said He would confirm His Word through signs and wonders following those who believe.

We believe the Gospel is not fully preached until it is demonstrated in a supernatural manner, with salvation, healing, deliverance, and provision resulting. Paul reiterated this when He declared that he was “…not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the POWER of God for salvation to everyone who believes…” (Rom. 1:16).

Casting out or expelling demons is one of the many supernatural signs or demonstrations of God confirming His Word as the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached or presented.

One of the reasons we believe that the ministry of deliverance is an important one within the Church of Jesus Christ is because God wants His people learning to walk in the transforming truth of His Word. We are all about teaching, training, and equipping believers towards victorious living by the renewing of their minds to the truth of God’s Word.

To the degree that any believer walks in illuminated truth is the degree that he/she will walk in true freedom within their own soul and body. This is a daily process, of course, and evidenced from the fruit of a personal relationship with Christ. A life of freedom involves continuous change demonstrated by the inward working and purifying of our lives of the Holy Spirit.

The key to such freedom is our willingness to submit ourselves daily to God, while actively taking personal responsibility to renew our minds via our intentional study of, practice of, and obedience to God’s Word.We are also transformed by the encounter of His presence through prayer, praise, and worship.


Out of those relationship essentials, we learn to “know” the truth at a heart level, where truth is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, our Teacher. The illumination of God’s truth always transforms us more and more into the likeness of Christ!

Another aspect of our deliverance ministry is helping those who are bound, tormented, or oppressed by demons and evil spirits, demonic strongholds, or those who struggle with areas of bondage in which they cannot break through to their freedom.

There are reasons why people are often oppressed by these spirits and by exposing the lies and darkness of what the devil does to deceive and keep people captive to his lies is his game.

The Good News is that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil in our lives, and we can be free from His tactics.