Are You Ready to be Made Whole?

It’s a direct question but an important one to answer from the heart when it comes to experiencing God through salvation, healing, or deliverance. A quality decision is always a prerequisite to change. As the saying goes, “If you want a change, then you must make a change.” Change is not always easy, especially when there are habits and behavior patterns that need to be changed or adjusted, but the fruit of change for the peace, well-being, and improved quality of life is always worth any effort we make. One thing we can be sure of is that Jesus wants to make us whole no matter what sickness, pain, or dis-ease we are dealing with. He already took care of these things when He died for us, so now He wants us to receive the gifts of His grace!

1) Your first step is a decision to get some help. You recognize that there is a problem and you need God’s help.

2) The second step is to download the form below and fill it out as thoroughly as possible. Please send it back to us or drop off at our Centre.

3) Once we have received your completed form, we will call and book a consultation appointment with you to discuss your situation and offer a plan of ministry to you.

When you take a step towards God, you will see that He is ALWAYS READY to pour His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness to YOU! He loves you with an everlasting love and has a great plan for your life. Why not discover what His good plan for YOU is all about?