Pastor Earl Inman
Pastor Earl Inman

Pastor Earl Inman, or Pastor Earl, as he is affectionately known, has been involved in pastoral ministry since 1981, having served in various churches in SK and ON. He carries the heart of a revivalist preacher/teacher and desires to see the Body of Christ walk in the power and authority that God ordained in Christ when the New Testament Church was birthed.

After personally experiencing the extremely difficult losses of his first wife to cancer in 1999, and his oldest son to suicide in 2004, He began to seriously seek God for answers he knew only his God could provide. In the fall of the same year, he received a very clear call and direction from the Lord to help bring healing back to the Church. In obedience to the Lord, he started a charitable ministry, Freedom Victory Centre (FVC), in the Oshawa-Durham region to provide healing-focused ministry services to those desiring wholeness in spirit, soul, or body.

As one of the key priorities of his ministry, Pastor Earl continues to research and study the spiritual and/or emotional root causes of disease as a supplemental tool to the healing process when supernatural manifestation doesn’t happen right away. He is passionate to see even more supernaturally tangible results of healing, freedom, and restoration for anyone who contacts the Centre looking for help. At FVC, Pastor Earl and his team testify to the many positive results of lives truly changed by the power, presence, and Word of God as individuals fully commit themselves to this avenue of ministry.

Clara Inman
Clara Whalen-Inman

Clara joined the FVC team back in July 2014 when she married Pastor Earl and together they now serve as Directors of Freedom Victory Centre. She is involved in the daily operational and administrative role of the Centre. She’s also trained in one on one ministry as a team member and has a passion to see people’s lives changed through a genuine encounter with God the Father’s love.

Prior to her move to ON, she has served in various educational and ministry roles throughout her life and career. In addition to her experience as a day school Music Educator and private Piano and Voice Teacher, for over 30 years, she has served in Music/Worship Pastoral leadership in various Canadian churches. Clara has traveled throughout Canada and the USA as an itinerant worship leader and occasional speaker for retreats, conferences, revival meetings, prayer gatherings, conducting worship seminars, and mentoring worship leaders, musicians, and vocalists.

As a singer-songwriter and composer, she has recorded two CD’s; one, an instrumental collection of hymn medleys, and the other, a collection of original worship songs. She is excited that her latest creative project of two new CD’s is about ready to be released. These are spontaneously composed instrumental CD’s which she hopes and believes will be a tool that God can use to minister His love and peace to many who are hurting, broken, grieving, anxious, stressed, and those who have special needs.

She is also passionate about teaching and seeing more ongoing evidence of salvation, healing and wholeness within the Body of Christ through the supernatural power of God’s Word transforming people and the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit effecting real change from the inside out.



Carla McCabe
Carla McCabe

Carla’s search for healing began in 2000 when her two sons were afflicted with various sicknesses and the medical field could not help eradicate them, only manage them. She believed in Biblical healing and acted on it out of her knowing that God was their Healer.

The testimony of her husband Rob’s miraculous healing of colitis while attending a Camp Meeting in Oshawa only strengthened her confidence. Within two years of her search for answers regarding these sicknesses and applying Bible truth, both of her sons were healed and since then, her desire to see all diseases eradicated by the power of God have only increased.

She has a genuine compassion and passion to see others healed, delivered, and restored by God’s power as she herself have witnessed the demonstration of God’s goodness within her own family. She is fully committed to the believer’s mandate which is to heal the sick, cast out devils, and to see God glorified in this earth.

She has been part of Freedom Victory Centre since its inception and she currently ministers healing, teaching, and deliverance particularly to women and children.