Freedom Victory Centre (FVC), as a Canadian charitable ministry, began in September 2004.

Its founding director, Pastor Earl Inman, started the Centre as an extended healing ministry service to Christian churches and Pastors, families, and communities of believers in the Durham region who are searching for answers to ongoing problems associated with physical, emotional, and mental illness.

In addition, a deliverance ministry component was added for those who have been struggling and know they need deliverance from demonic oppression and evil spirits.

Recognizing the need for a non-medical, but viable spiritual solution to the treatment and possible eradication of sickness, disease, and mental illness, Pastor Earl established a faith-based, healing/restoration ministry to work with people on an individual basis to see them restored and made whole.

With the help of a small team, they minister to individuals using the prayer of faith, spiritual discernment, identifying possible root causes to the disease, and cancelling permissions. Whenever deliverance is needed and requested, evil spirits are cast out in Jesus name once legal rights are identified and permissions cancelled.

With the ongoing aid of medical research and Biblical education, FVC provides insight to their clients concerning the possible spiritual and or emotional root cause(s) of their disease. From this understanding, a process to wholeness usually follows. The FVC team remains committed to see measurable results as long as the client follows through with his/her cooperative effort and personal choice.

Since 2004, the team has worked with many people of all ages and cultures to bring them to a place of wellness, wholeness, and freedom. At times healing happens instantly, while at other times, it is a process. Each person’s journey is uniquely their own.

Whatever the method or approach, over the years team FVC has witnessed both the positive and supernatural results that come to people who readily receive Biblical truth, and apply themselves to walk out their own pathway of healing, freedom, and wholeness through God’s grace and help.

Many clients have shared amazing testimonies of positive transformation, healing, and freedom by the power of God as they have sought out the ministry services of Freedom Victory Centre.